Ulaanbaatar Process Publication“Peace and Security in Northeast Asia" 2022 울란바토르 프로세스 : 동북아의 평화와 안보 This collection features perspectives on peace and security in Northeast Asia, a region still characterized by Cold War-era political interactions, charged with fierce rhetoric, and lacking institutional mechanisms for peace and security. Based on their rich experience as activists, thinkers, and academics in spheres including diplomacy, military strategy, the feminist movement, and youth engagement, among others, our contributors aim to shed light on the following topics: How, in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic and in the shadow of a European war, can Northeast Asian civil society organizations carry out the important task of building peace? What scope is there, at present, for regional or international cooperation on the challenges identified? What scope is there for a pivot towards peace in these circumstances? What opportunities exist in the “new normal” to address not just emerging challenges but also the seemingly intractable problems that have persisted in the region? 본 출판물은 동북아시아의 평화와 안보에 대해 성찰한 글들을 담은 것으로, 2022 울란바토르 프로세스에 맞춰 발간되었고, 최근 e-북으로도 발행되었습니다. 3번째 챕터에는 문아영 피스모모 대표와 이대훈 TEPI 소장이 '공동안보와 모두의 것으로서의 평화'를 주제로 기고한 글도 담겨있으니, 많은 관심 바랍니다.(영어자료) View Online or Download온라인으로 읽기/다운로드 받기